Thoughts on the age of the Earth
There are four miraculous events in the scriptures which render all scientific discussions of the age of the Earth moot. This is because SCIENCE! relies on two assumptions. One is Uniformitarianism . This requires the laws of nature to be always the same everywhere and all times. The other is gradualism. Things happen gradually over large amounts of time. The four events in question are Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Correct me in the comments below if I am wrong, but the current justification for the old age of the universe is radio isotope dating and the properties of light from distant galaxies. I am not a cosmologist but it doesn't really matter for the point I am trying to make. There are critiques of these dating methods but that isn't the point either. The biggest obstacles are the assumptions I mentioned. Lets take a totally Biblical view of the history of the Earth. Try to forget what you know about science or textual criticism and take the s...