I sent my Dad this link, http://iowahawk.typepad.com/ iowahawk/2009/07/miller-time. html He responded: Great stuff! On down in the lineup was a 1932? Model B Ford. It's the one with the red and black pleated upholstery. The thing didn't say itwas a '32, or a model B, but I know my 32 model Bs. My great aunt Emma had one, but it was faded greenish and didn't shine very much. Joanne and I--can't remember if Linda was old enough to go to school at the time--would ride with her to school as she lived right across the driveway from us and was the teacher, janitor, playground supervisor and lunchroom monitor all in one. She had six grades in six rows of increasingly larger school desks all in one room, talk about your cutting the costs of education! Anyway the old model B was already ancient in 1947. I can recall that the floorboards were kind of partly there and the exhause would leak up into the car. The old faithful four cylinder L-head made some kinda noise, especial...